Moldova, Chişinău
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11 years on Allbiz
Technical characteristics
- BrandТехнониколь
Unifleks EPP, EKP
- Multifunctionality- Efficiency
- Reliability
- Guarantee for water tightness of 8 years
- Service life of 20-25 years
Purpose of material:
Waterproofing of roofs and building constructions.
Description of material:
Unifleks represents the waterproofing cloth having polyester or fiber glass as a basis. On both sides the basis is impregnated qualitative bituminous and polymeric knitting. Unifleks — class material business, is ideally suited for a waterproofing of any modern building constructions and roofs.
Unifleks To it is intended for the top layer of a roofing carpet. Coarse-grained topping from the face is effective protection of a waterproofing against sunshine, considerably increasing material service life.
Unifleks P it is applied to the device of the lower layer of a roofing carpet and to a waterproofing of designs. Material is covered with a polymeric film on both sides of a cloth. Material of Unifleks can be used in all climatic areas (according to Construction Norms and Regulations 23-01-99 *).
Method of application:
Material is built up by means of a gas torch on previously prepared surface.
Use of material: according to "The management for design and the device of roofs from bituminous and polymeric materials of the TechnoNIKOL Company".
To store in vertical position in the place protected from direct sunshine.
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Unifleks EPP, EKP
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