Currency MDL
Reviews about the company SC Diolsem, SRL Moldova

Comments about the company SC Diolsem, SRL

of positive feedback from the 7
43% of responses during the day
80% of transactions executed in time
80% of actual goods description
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all (7)positive (6)negative (1)
Very bad
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Так никто и не связался со мной за неделю
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Ривет супер хорошо быстро отвечает маладсы
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
работники профисионалы своего дела и знют свою работу. Я довольна этой фирмой
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Ursu Daniel
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: The next day
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
вакарчук Даниела
если не считать субботы и воскресенья то с тех пор как я оправила запрос о цене прошло уже больше 72 часов-полное молчание. это говорит о несерьезности фирмы -если фирма не готова торговать с помощью интернет ресурса-не понятно зачем вообще здесь их реклама.
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: I can not appreciate
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: I can not appreciate
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Наталья Сергеевна Пеньшина
ИП Пеньшина. Н.С.,Глава КФХ
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: A few days later
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
ClearSelected items: 0