Currency MDL
Reviews about the company Agrotehnica-md Moldova

Comments about the company Agrotehnica-md

of positive feedback from the 5
80% of responses during the day
100% of transactions executed in time
100% of actual goods description
Add a review
all (5)positive (3)negative (2)
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: I can not appreciate
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Очень большой выбор запчастей , Персонал был очень восприимчивым и показал большой профессионализм.
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
very fast deliver and good quality of spare parts
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Very bad
Jorge Dias
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Company Agrotechnica-md. Do not tell me anything
with the answer they gave me
(sorry, we can not deliver to Portugal, its too far)
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Very bad
Jorge Dias
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource

Чокой Валентин, 08:30
sorry , we cannot deliver to Portugal , its too far
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
ClearSelected items: 0