Moldova, Chişinău
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11 years on Allbiz
Materials of the getting waterproofing of concrete designs.
Description of material
It is intended for a waterproofing of monolithic and combined concrete designs. Prevents penetration of water with a pressure, protects concrete from influence of acids and alkalis, industrial sewage, oil products, sea water, chlorides, sulfates, etc.
deeply, gets into concrete on a time and microcracks, pushes out water and corks them, at the same time concrete remains "breathing";
it is applied on surely damp surface, both with internal, and from outer side;
in case of damage of the processed concrete, the waterproofing is not broken;
increases durability of a design and frost resistance;
it is not toxic;
it is certified for use with drinking water.
Description of material
It is intended for a waterproofing of monolithic and combined concrete designs. Prevents penetration of water with a pressure, protects concrete from influence of acids and alkalis, industrial sewage, oil products, sea water, chlorides, sulfates, etc.
deeply, gets into concrete on a time and microcracks, pushes out water and corks them, at the same time concrete remains "breathing";
it is applied on surely damp surface, both with internal, and from outer side;
in case of damage of the processed concrete, the waterproofing is not broken;
increases durability of a design and frost resistance;
it is not toxic;
it is certified for use with drinking water.
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Materials waterproofing
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