Industrial bearings
- Customer pickup,
- Courier
- In detail
- Application areaFor the automotive industry
The company "Remarca" of SRL was formed in 1999 as specialized firm on providing agrarian with bearing production - an industrial complex of the Republic of Moldova. Now the staff contains quantity 21 persons. Branches of a company are in the cities of Chisinau, Comrat, Balti. Besides the main branches a large number of specialized shops across all territory of the republic is engaged in realization of the offered production. In 2005 the firm is recognized by the best taxpayer of year!
We offer our clients the huge range of bearings and quality bearing knots both plants of GPP, and plants of Europe and Southeast Asia. Also in our warehouses constantly there is a wide range of products RTI, such as epiploons, cuffs, belts of any lengths and sections, sealing rings of round and flat sections.