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Films stained glass ORACAL 8300 TransparentCal buy in Chişinău
Buy Films stained glass ORACAL 8300 TransparentCal
Films stained glass ORACAL 8300 TransparentCal

Films stained glass ORACAL 8300 TransparentCal

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Moldova, Chişinău
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14 years on Allbiz

Folie adeziva din PVC, colorata, cu grosimea de 80 microni, transparenta si cu suprafata lucioasa, rezistenta la UV.
Adezivul permanent, poliacrilic pe baza de solvent, nu-si modifica culoarea in timpul aplicarii, astfel incat lipirea se poate executa atat uscata, cat si umeda. Foliile pot fi suprapuse prin lipire, rezultand diverse alte nuante, avand astfel posibilitati infinite de creatie.

Este disponibila in role cu lungimea de 50 m si latimi de 1000 si 1260 mm si se comercializeaza la metraj.
Paleta coloristicacuprinde 32 de culori de o transparenta stralucitoare
. In aceasta serie nu exista culori metalice.
Pentru crearea de semne rutiere, urmatoarele culori se pot aplica pe culoarea alba a foliilor reflectorizante din gama ORALITE
, respectand specificatiile internationale:
- 216 - Traffic yellow (Galben trafic);
- 034 - Orange (Portocaliu);
- 032 - Light Red (Rosu deschis);
- 057 - Traffic blue (Albastru trafic);
- 619 - Traffic green (Verde trafic).
Durabilitatea in exterior este de pana la 5 ani.

The Transparantny or stained glass, colored, transparent, glossy self-adhesive film of Oracal 8300 with service life to 5 years has uniform coloring in the passing and reflected light, and also additional protection against ultra-violet radiation. A film orakat it is intended for production of high-quality advertizing, for registration of glass surfaces, outdoor illuminated signs with internal illumination, at window dressing. The film of Oracal 8300 is suitable for processing on the cutting plotters, is stabilized from radiation UV. 30 bright transparent flowers, and also obtaining intermediate tones by gluing of films at each other expand possibilities of creative decisions.
- Basis: a soft film from PVC;
- Thickness: 80 microns;
- Glue: solvent polyacrylic ester, permanent;
- Glue effort: 16 - 18 N/25mm;
- Substrate: silikonizirovanny on the one hand paper, white, 137 g/m2;
- Thermal stability: from - 40os to +80os without change.

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Films stained glass ORACAL 8300 TransparentCal
Films stained glass ORACAL 8300 TransparentCal
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