E3-200 fiber glass fabric, Karaganda
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- In detail
EZ - 200 fiber glass fabric is made from glass threads by a calico weave.
Fabric is used at production of roofing materials on the basis of polymeric binding, materials for electrical insulation and folgirovanny dielectrics, printed circuit boards and fiberglass designs
Also fiber glass fabric carry out thermal isolation of technical pipelines.
EZ - 200 fiber glass fabrics on a direct zamaslivatel are irreplaceable by production of fibreglass on the basis of radio and epoxies.
Material is chemically steady, absolutely fireproof (incombustibility and a nevospolomenyaemost - one of the main advantages of fiber glass fabrics), maintains the range of temperatures from - 200 °C to + 550 °C.
Fiber glass fabric - the durable and environmentally friendly material possessing high resistance to decomposition is not subject to corrosion and mechanical wear.
Fizikomekhanichesky characteristics of E3 - 200Spetsifikation fiber glass fabric of EZ - 200GOST Fiber glass fabric of Fiber glass fabric 19907 - 83
Markaez - 200
Thickness, mm0,190 + 0,01/ - 0,02
Area density, g/m2200 + 16/ - 10
Explosive loading, N (kgf), not less:
on osnove1127 (115)
on utku1078 (110)
Density of fabric, threads/cm:
on osnove10 + 1
on utku9 + / - 1
Fabric width, not less, sm95
It is transported in rolls by length, not less, m150
Look zamaslivatelyaparafinovy emulsion
Mass fraction of the substances deleted during the calcinating, % not menee1,0
Warranty period of storage of fabric from the date of izgotovleniya2 years