Cellulite treatment Moldova← Back to category "Aesthetic Medicine"Found: 9 servicesMoldova > Specify regionSuch services are available in:Select regionAll countriesServices in Moldova Choose region Treatment of cellulitis. Massage of LPG 500 MDL Centrul de medicină estetică Estetic-Sana Moldova, Chişinău Mechanical lymphatic drainage or "airy boots 150 MDL Sofinalia, SRL- My Skin Moldova, Chişinău Treatment of cellulitis Chisina Profgel&Co, SRL Moldova, Chişinău Lipolitichesky Mesotherapy Centru Medical PROMED Moldova, Chişinău Treatment of cellulitis 150 MDL Sofinalia, SRL- My Skin Moldova, Chişinău Elektrotsellyulolipoliz 350 MDL Centru Medicinal MedWay, SRL Moldova, Chişinău Treatment of cellulitis Perlamax,SRL Moldova, Chişinău The differentiated treatment of cellulitis! Unique technique of the German firm Weyergans! Sofinalia, SRL- My Skin Moldova, Chişinău Treatment of cellulitis Proestetic, SRL Moldova, Chişinău Didn't find required service?Suppliers will contact youFor last 30 days 296694 leads received the offers from the companies