Photocatalytic Daikin MC 707VM air purifier.
Its appointment - purification of air in apartments and offices from any pollution with use of new advanced technology of a photocatalysis and saturation by its aero ions (refreshing) for the purpose of prevention of diseases and creation of the healthy atmosphere indoors.
The air cleaner is intended for purification of air in apartments and offices from any pollution with use of new advanced technology of a photocatalysis (clears of a tobacco smoke and a smell, a superfine dust and allergens, mold fungi, bacteria, viruses, pollen, exhaust gases, destroys compounds of formaldehyde, etc.) . Advantages of technology of a photocatalysis are as follows: In the course of a photocatalysis harmful impurity do not collect in the filter, and decay to absolutely harmless components of the natural air environment. The size of the destroyed particles - to 0,001 microns. This size is comparable to the size of viruses and molecules and is that physical minimum which can be reached in principle. Unlike other systems, at a photocatalysis there is a purification of air of all harmful impurity, including of viruses and gas pollution. At the same time efficiency of cleaning of the last is 500 times higher, than at coal filters. Efficiency of cleaning has steadily high rate which is not depending on development of the filter: 99,6% on removal of allergens; 99,99% on removal of bacteria and viruses (prevention of diseases) and microparticles, 95% on removal of smells. Destroys 99,6% of compounds of formaldehyde.
In the MC707 air cleaner two innovations are applied: the eight-layer system of filters includes the new filter of bio-antibodies and the exclusive system from Daikin which received the name Flash Streamer.
After removal by the filter of preliminary cleaning of big particles, the filter of bio-antibodies becomes more active. This filter is rather effective: by means of antibodies viruses from air are removed approximately in 1 minute.
The fast electrons generated by the Flash Streamer system have double advantage. First, chemicals, such as formaldehyde, are eliminated by means of the oxidizing action caused by existence of these electrons. Secondly, operation of photocatalytic filters amplifies the Flash Streamer system. As the result, occurs more effective removal of allergens and adjuvants, disinfecting action amplifies and there is more effective elimination of smells.
Simple and silent work, practical design.The air cleaner is developed for purification of air in rooms up to 48 sq.m. (it is improved for 17% in comparison with the previous models), silent silent work of Daikin MC 707VM (noise level in the silent mode to 16 dB). He well fits into any interior, it is easy to move it indoors. The new cleaner is available in two color scales.